6 April 2020


BOOKS in Peckham - a book shop I've been meaning to actually go to for a while now, while admiring from afar via Instagram - has been sending out daily tv/film/music/reading recommendations for a couple of weeks now via Substack, and they've been little glimmers of joy to my otherwise quite drab lockdown days. Even if I don't follow-up every rec, each email serves as a personal reminder of the weird, rich countercultural milieu that exists beyond the confines of my girlfriend's flat, blocked from view due to lockdown.

Subsequently, I'm excited to announce my own version: LOCKDOWNTIME. LOCKDOWNTIME will send you a handful of the weird and wonderful things I've been enjoying during the lockdown period - music, TV, film, writing - alongside my garbled thoughts on them. Short, daily 8am emails of nourishment. Nothing basic, nothing everyone's already heard of, just a sharing of those strange overlooked corners of the world writhing with richness.

Above all, I want the focus to be on challenging art/lit/writing/music - let's be properly punk about this, and accept that an expansion of our capacities, an increase in our perfection, will require us to challenge ourselves and not conform to what we already know or are comfortable with. These recs aren't just palliatives, but chances to become new people in a locked-down world.

As I say in the Substack description, I really hope this can become a little collective, joyful virtual space where we all introduce one another to some wholesome new stuff. Please send me recs you'd like me to share! I also think Substack allows commenting, maybe, so comment, share the lists publicly if you find them particularly good, etc.

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